Section IO: Descendants of Jehue Burr

David Thaler
18043 NE 132nd St, Redmond WA 98052
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Generation One

1. JEHUE1 BURR was born before 1605[50], and died between 1631 and 1654[50] in Fairfield, Fairfield Co., Connecticut, United States[50]. He married _____ STEDMAN. [19, 36, 49, 53]
Sailed with Gov. Winthrop to Roxbury, Mass. in 1630.
Jehue BURR emigrated to America and settled in Roxbury, Mass. He removed to Springfield, Mass., becoming one of the founders of that town, and later to Fairfield, Conn. A freeman in 1631, and representative to the General Court 1641 and 1645-46.
"Mr. C. A. Torrey maintains the opinion that the first Jehu returned to England and died there, and there are some factors that favor this view."[42]
2i.ELIZABETH2 BURR, b. about 1650; d. in 1695; m. (1) NEHEMIAH OLMSTEAD; m. (2) OBADIAH GILBERT; m. (3) in 1674[3] NATHANIEL SEELEY.
+3ii.JEHU BURR, b. about 1625[3, 31] in England, United Kingdom[3, 31]; d. about May 1692[3, 31] in Fairfield[3, 31]; m. (1) after 1655[3] (AQW-21) HESTER WARD, daughter of (AQW-17) Andrew and (ALU-57) Hester (SHERMAN) WARD; m. (2) before 1666[3] ELIZABETH PRUDDEN, chr. in Milford, New Haven Co., Connecticut[3] on 11 MAR 1642/3[3].
4iii.JOHN BURR, b. about 1633[2] in Roxbury, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts, United States[2]; d. about Oct. 1694; m. (1) before 1659[5] (AQW-22) MARY WARD, b. about 1635[17], d. about 1668[17], daughter of (AQW-17) Andrew and (ALU-57) Hester (SHERMAN) WARD; m. (2) SARAH FITCH.
+5iv.NATHANIEL BURR, b. about 1635[50] in Roxbury[50]; d. on 26 Feb. 1712[6] in Fairfield[6]; m. (1) after June 1659[6] (AQW-24) SARAH WARD, b. in Wethersfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut[51] about 1640[51], daughter of (AQW-17) Andrew and (ALU-57) Hester (SHERMAN) WARD; m. (2) between 1692 and 1721[50] (SQ-10) HANNAH (GOODYEAR) WAKEMAN, b. in London, London, England[52] about 1637[52], d. in Fairfield[18] in 1721[18], daughter of (SQ-2) Stephen, Deputy-Governor of New Haven Colony and Mary (_____).
+6v.DANIEL BURR of Fairfield, b. about 1642[3] of Fairfield[3]; d. about June 1695[7]; m. (1) about 1669[7] in Stamford, Fairfield Co.[7] ABIGAIL BREWSTER; m. (2) on 11 Dec. 1678[7] in New Haven, New Haven Co.[7] ABIGAIL GLOVER, b. on 31 July 1652[7], d. about 1720/1[7].

Generation Two

3. JEHU2 BURR (Jehue1), son of (1) Jehue1 and _____ (STEDMAN) BURR, was born about 1625[3, 31] in England[3, 31], and died between Jan. 1692 and Oct. 1692[3, 31] in Fairfield[3, 31]. He married (1st) after 1655[3], (AQW-21) HESTER WARD, daughter of (AQW-17) Andrew and (ALU-57) Hester (SHERMAN) WARD. He married (2nd) before 1666[3], ELIZABETH PRUDDEN, who was christened on 11 MAR 1642/3[3] in Milford[3].
Jacobus writes: "The problem of Jehu's wives is so difficult as to require special consideration. ... The Ward Gen. and Burr Gen. follow the Hist. of Fairfield in supposing that Jehu m. (1) Mary Ward, dau. of Andrew, and (2) widow Esther Boosey. This can be positively disproved." Jacobus then gives a long discussion of evidence and concludes that Mary Ward married Jehu's brother John, and that Jehu's wife Esther is probably a sister of Mary Ward.[4]
Child of: Jehu2 BURR and Elizabeth PRUDDEN:
7i.MARY BURR3 _____, b. about 1670/1; d. about 1750; m. (ASD-56) SAMUEL WAKEMAN, b. in New Haven[15] on 12 Oct. 1657[15], d. in Fairfield[15] in 1691[15], son of (ASD-54) Rev. Samuel and (SQ-10) Hannah (GOODYEAR).
5. NATHANIEL2 BURR (Jehue1), son of (1) Jehue1 and _____ (STEDMAN) BURR, was born about 1635[50] in Roxbury[50], and died on 26 Feb. 1712[6] in Fairfield[6]. He married (1st) after June 1659[6], (AQW-24) SARAH WARD, daughter of (AQW-17) Andrew and (ALU-57) Hester (SHERMAN) WARD, who was born about 1640[51] in Wethersfield[51]. He married (2nd) between 1692 and 1721[50], (SQ-10) HANNAH (GOODYEAR) WAKEMAN, daughter of (SQ-2) Stephen, Deputy-Governor of New Haven Colony and Mary (_____), who was born about 1637[52] in London, London, England[52], and died in 1721[18] in Fairfield[18]. [20, 31, 38, 39]
m2) Hannah Goodyear
Note that this was after 1674 when she had Jabez Wakeman
Unless she and Samuel Wakeman were divorced, then this marriage
would not have been until after Samuel's death in 1692
in which case the children listed there must be Sarah Ward's also
Children of: Nathaniel2 BURR and Sarah WARD:
8i.SARAH3 BURR, b. about 1662[6]; d. about 1700.
9ii.NATHANIEL BURR of Fairfield, b. about 1664[8] of Fairfield[8]; d. about 1700[8] in Fairfield[8]; m. (ZX-22) SUSANNAH LOCKWOOD, daughter of (ZX-13) Joseph LOCKWOOD.
10iii.ABIGAIL BURR, b. about 1668 in Fairfield; d. on 7 FEB 1711/2[6, 32]; m. on 22 March 1692[6] JOHN WHEELER, b. in 1664[32], d. on 19 March 1754[32].
+11iv.COL. JOHN BURR, b. on 2 May 1673[32] in Fairfield; d. on 13 June 1750[9] in Stratfield, Fairfield Co.[9]; m. (1) (DN-12) DEBORAH BARLOW of Fairfield, b. of Fairfield[14] about 1675[14], d. in Stratfield[13] on 4 Dec. 1726[13], daughter of (DN-4) John and (ZX-18) Abigail (LOCKWOOD) BARLOW; m. (2) on 29 March 1727[9, 37] (UQ-16) ELIZABETH (HAWLEY) WAKEMAN, b. in Fairfield[12] on 6 May 1679[12], d. in Fairfield[12, 37] on 18 Aug. 1753[12, 37], daughter of (UQ-10) Ebenezer and (AQW-34) Hester (WARD) HAWLEY.
+12v.ANNA BURR, b. in 1675[6] in Fairfield; d. on 14 MAR 1747/8[6] in Fairfield[6]; m. on 20 Jan. 1696[6] (BB-1) GIDEON ALLEN.
13vi.DANIEL BURR, b. about 1677[10] in Fairfield[10]; d. about May 1722; m. (1) MARY JENNINGS, b. about 1690[10], d. in Westport, Fairfield Co.[10] on 11 Oct. 1748[10]; m. (2) on 7 Nov. 1705[10] ABIGAIL STRATTON.
14vii.ESTHER BURR, b. about 1679 in Fairfield; d. about 1722[7]; m. (1) REV. SAMUEL COOKE; m. (2) JOHN SLOSS.
15viii.REBECCA BURR, b. about 1681[7] in Fairfield[7]; d. on 16 May 1721[7] in Stratfield[7]; m. on 30 Nov. 1704[7] CAPT. SAMUEL SHERWOOD.
16ix.MARY BURR, b. about 1682 in Fairfield; d. about 1750; m. DR. JAMES LABORIE.
6. DANIEL2 BURR (Jehue1) of Fairfield, son of (1) Jehue1 and _____ (STEDMAN) BURR, was born between 1634 and 1652[3] of Fairfield[3], and died between 1 Jan. 1695 and 5 Nov. 1695[7]. He married (1st) in Stamford[7], about 1669[7], ABIGAIL BREWSTER. He married (2nd) in New Haven[7], on 11 Dec. 1678[7], ABIGAIL GLOVER, who was born on 31 July 1652[7], and died about 1720/1[7].
Child of: Daniel2 BURR and Abigail GLOVER:
17i.SETH SAMUEL3 BURR, b. on 20 June 1694[11] in Fairfield[11]; d. on 21 March 1773[11] in Fairfield[11]; m. in June 1722[16] (ASD-66) ELIZABETH WAKEMAN, chr. in Fairfield[16] on 19 April 1702[16], d. in Fairfield[16] on 16 June 1753[16], daughter of (ASD-61) Capt. Joseph and (UQ-16) Elizabeth (HAWLEY).

Generation Three

11. COL. JOHN3 BURR (Nathaniel2, Jehue1), son of (5) Nathaniel2 and (AQW-24) Sarah (WARD) BURR, was born on 2 May 1673[32] in Fairfield, and died on 13 June 1750[9] in Stratfield[9]. He married (1st) (DN-12) DEBORAH BARLOW of Fairfield, daughter of (DN-4) John and (ZX-18) Abigail (LOCKWOOD) BARLOW, who was born about 1675[14] of Fairfield[14], and died on 4 Dec. 1726[13] in Stratfield[13]. He married (2nd) on 29 March 1727[9, 37], (UQ-16) ELIZABETH (HAWLEY) WAKEMAN, daughter of (UQ-10) Ebenezer and (AQW-34) Hester (WARD) HAWLEY, who was born on 6 May 1679[12] in Fairfield[12], and died on 18 Aug. 1753[12, 37] in Fairfield[12, 37]. [21, 33]
Deputy from Fairfield to Connecticu General Court for many years, Speaker of the House 1723-24, Major of Forces in expedition to Port Royal, N.S., 1710, Captain, Fairfield County Troop 1714, Judge of Fairfield County Court, and Assistant of Connecticut, Colonel of 4th Regt. of Connecticut.
Children of: Col. John3 BURR and Deborah BARLOW:
+18i.CAPT. JOHN4 BURR, bp. on 28 Aug. 1698[9] in Stratfield[9]; d. on 13 Sept. 1752[9, 34] in Stratfield[9, 34]; m. on 18 Oct. 1722[9, 23, 34] in Fairfield[9, 23, 34] (ASD-65) CATHERINE WAKEMAN, chr. in Fairfield[16] on 21 April 1700[16], d. in Stratfield[16] on 25 Sept. 1753[16], daughter of (ASD-61) Capt. Joseph and (UQ-16) Elizabeth (HAWLEY).
19ii.ABIGAIL BURR, bp. on 16 March 1701[10] in Stratfield[10]; d. on 6 April 1780[10]; m. on 25 May 1727[10] ELEAZER HUBBELL.
20iii.DEBORAH BURR, bp. on 22 April 1705[10] in Stratfield[10]; d. on 28 Nov. 1726[10].
21iv.MARY BURR, bp. on 4 July 1708[10] in Stratfield[10]; d. on 12 Sept. 1766[9, 34]; m. (1) EBENEZER DIMON; m. (2) on 4 JAN 1747/8[10] in Fairfield[10] COL. JAMES SMEDLEY.
22v.WILLIAM BURR, b. on 9 Dec. 1711[10] in Stratfield[10]; d. on 5 May 1769[10] in Stratfield[10]; m. (1) on 4 Aug. 1736[10] in Fairfield[10] (ASD-70) MARY WAKEMAN, chr. in Fairfield[16] on 23 July 1710[16], d. in Stratfield[16] on 19 MAR 1742/3[16], daughter of (ASD-61) Capt. Joseph and (UQ-16) Elizabeth (HAWLEY); m. (2) on 16 May 1744[10] in Fairfield[10] CHARITY WELLES, d. on 2 Oct. 1769[10].
23vi.JOSEPH BURR, b. on 22 June 1714[10] in Stratfield[10]; d. about 1790[10].
12. ANNA3 BURR (Nathaniel2, Jehue1), daughter of (5) Nathaniel2 and (AQW-24) Sarah (WARD) BURR, was born in 1675[6] in Fairfield, and died on 14 MAR 1747/8[6] in Fairfield[6]. She married on 20 Jan. 1696[6], (BB-1) GIDEON ALLEN. [32]
Child: See (BB-1) Gideon ALLEN

Generation Four

18. CAPT. JOHN4 BURR (John3, Nathaniel2, Jehue1), son of (11) Col. John3 and (DN-12) Deborah (BARLOW), was christened on 28 Aug. 1698[9] in Stratfield[9], and died on 13 Sept. 1752[9, 34] in Stratfield[9, 34]. He married in Fairfield[9, 23, 34], on 18 Oct. 1722[9, 23, 34], (ASD-65) CATHERINE WAKEMAN, daughter of (ASD-61) Capt. Joseph and (UQ-16) Elizabeth (HAWLEY), who was christened on 21 April 1700[16] in Fairfield[16], and died on 25 Sept. 1753[16] in Stratfield[16]. [22, 28, 41, 43]
24i.CATHERINE5 BURR, b. on 26 Oct. 1723[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 1 Oct. 1810[44].
25ii.SARAH BURR, b. on 7 Feb. 1725[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. about 1800.
26iii.ANN BURR, b. on 7 Sept. 1726[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 3 Dec. 1777[44] in Easton, Fairfield Co.[44].
+27iv.CAPT. JOHN BURR, b. on 12 June 1728[41] in Stratfield[41]; d. on 28 July 1771[41, 45] in Stratfield[41, 45]; m. on 2 FEB 1749/50[25, 35] (GC-22) EUNICE BOOTH, b. in Stratford, Fairfield Co.[40] on 17 Oct. 1729[40], d. about 1780[40, 45], daughter of (GC-13) Joseph, Deacon and (AEA-19) Rebecca (MOREHOUSE).
28v.DEBORAH BURR, b. on 14 May 1730[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 5 May 1799[44].
29vi.ELIZABETH BURR, b. on 7 April 1732[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 5 Sept. 1815[44].
30vii.MARY BURR, b. on 7 April 1732[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 15 March 1806[44].
31viii.JUSTUS BURR, b. on 2 Sept. 1734[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 13 July 1766[45] in Stratfield[45].
32ix.ABIGAIL BURR, b. on 27 July 1736[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 18 April 1794[44].
33x.OZIAS BURR, b. on 1 May 1739[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 5 Sept. 1836[46] in Stratfield[46].
34xi.AMOS BURR, b. on 8 Sept. 1741[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 27 Sept. 1743[44].
35xii.WAKEMAN BURR, b. on 3 Oct. 1743[44] in Fairfield[44]; d. on 9 May 1799[47] in Fairfield[47].

Generation Five

27. CAPT. JOHN5 BURR (John4, John3, Nathaniel2, Jehue1), son of (18) Capt. John4 and (ASD-65) Catherine (WAKEMAN), was born on 12 June 1728[41] in Stratfield[41], and died on 28 July 1771[41, 45] in Stratfield[41, 45]. He married on 2 FEB 1749/50[25, 35], (GC-22) EUNICE BOOTH, daughter of (GC-13) Joseph, Deacon and (AEA-19) Rebecca (MOREHOUSE), who was born on 17 Oct. 1729[40] in Stratford[40], and died about 1780[40, 45]. [24, 28, 44]
36i.EUNICE6 BURR, b. on 5 Oct. 1750[45] in Fairfield[45]; d. in 1837[29, 45].
37ii.CATHERINE BURR, b. on 5 Nov. 1753[35, 45] in Fairfield[35, 45]; d. about 1800.
+38iii.PVT. JESSE BURR, b. on 30 Dec. 1754[29] in Fairfield[45]; d. in June 1813[29]; m. (AUA-5) SARAH WILSON, daughter of (AUA-4) Samuel WILSON.
39iv.WILLIAM BURR, b. on 23 June 1762[29] in Fairfield[45]; d. on 22 June 1841[30] in Southbury, New Haven Co.[30].
40v.JOHN BURR, bp. on 29 April 1756[29] in Fairfield[45]; d. about 1820.

Generation Six

38. PVT. JESSE6 BURR (John5, John4, John3, Nathaniel2, Jehue1), son of (27) Capt. John5 and (GC-22) Eunice (BOOTH), was born on 30 Dec. 1754[29] in Fairfield[45], was christened in Jan. 1756[45], died in June 1813[29] and was buried on 9 Dec. 1813[45]. He married (AUA-5) SARAH WILSON, daughter of (AUA-4) Samuel WILSON. [26]
41i.AMELIA7 BURR, b. about 1790; d. about 1800.
42ii.CHARLOTTE BURR, b. about 1790; d. about 1800.
43iii.EUNICE BURR, b. about 1790; d. about 1800.
+44iv.BETSY BURR, b. on 18 Dec. 1784[1] in Bridgeport, Fairfield Co.[54]; d. on 12 June 1862[1]; m. on 7 March 1805[1] (AQY-5) JOHN VAUGHN, chr. in Trinity Church, Southport, Fairfield Co.[48] on 12 May 1788[48], d. in Fowler, Trumbull Co., Ohio, United States[54] on 24 April 1872[1], son of (AQY-1) James and (IV-17) Olive (CABLE) (MEEKER) VAUGHN.
45v.SALLIE BURR, b. about 1790; d. about 1800.
46vi.JESSE BURR, b. about 1790; d. about 1800.
47vii.SAMUEL BURR, b. about 1790; d. about 1800.
48viii.JOHN BURR, b. about 1790; d. about 1800.

Generation Seven

44. BETSY7 BURR (Jesse6, John5, John4, John3, Nathaniel2, Jehue1), daughter of (38) Pvt. Jesse6 and (AUA-5) Sarah (WILSON), was born on 18 Dec. 1784[1] in Bridgeport[54], and died on 12 June 1862[1]. She married on 7 March 1805[1], (AQY-5) JOHN VAUGHN, son of (AQY-1) James and (IV-17) Olive (CABLE) (MEEKER) VAUGHN, who was born on 29 March 1785[1] in Ireland, was christened on 12 May 1788[48] in Trinity Church[48], and died on 24 April 1872[1] in Fowler[54]. [27, 29]
Children: See (AQY-5) John VAUGHN

1. Vaughn Family Bible, The Holy Bible (New York: American Bible Society, 1848); privately held by David Thaler, Lowell MI 49331. Provenance page reads: "Presented to Miss Lucy Vaughn by her granmother Betsy Vaughn. Miss Lucy Vaughn, Trumbull Ohio, 1861. Presented to David G. Thaler by his mother Mrs. Lucy Thaler, Moline Michigan, August 1919. Presented to Orion J. Thaler by the David Thaler estate, 1962. When I am dead and out of mind In this Book my name you find And when my name you plainly see You cannot help remembering me 1861"
2. Donald Lines Jacobus, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, Vol. I (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1976), 116; digital images, ( : accessed 26 June 2011).
3. Ibid., 117.
4. Ibid., 118.
5. Ibid., 121.
6. Ibid., 122.
7. Ibid., 123.
8. Ibid., 127.
9. Ibid., 128.
10. Ibid., 129.
11. Ibid., 131.
12. Ibid., 266.
13. Ibid., 29.
14. Ibid., 29, 128.
15. Ibid., 633.
16. Ibid., 636.
17. Ibid., 645.
18. Ruth Ellsworth Richardson, Samuel Richardson, 1602-1658 and Josiah Ellsworth, 1629-1689, some descendants (Eugene, Oregon?: R.E. Richardson, 1974).
19. Charles Burr Todd, A general history of the Burr family: with a genealogical record from 1193 to 1902 (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1902), 1, 130; digital images, (
20. Ibid., 133.
21. Ibid., 139.
22. Ibid., 139, 147.
23. Ibid., 147.
24. Ibid., 148, 166.
25. Ibid., 166.
26. Ibid., 166, 191.
27. Ibid., 191.
28. Robert P. Wakeman, Wakeman Genealogy, 1630-1899 (Meriden, Connecticut: Journal Publishing Co., 1900), 164; digital images, (
29. George K. Ward, Andrew Warde and His Descendants, 1597-1910 (New York: A.T. de la Mare Printing and Publishing Co., 1910), 118; digital images, (
30. Ibid., 204.
31. Ibid., 30.
32. Ibid., 34.
33. Ibid., 34, 38.
34. Ibid., 44.
35. Ibid., 69.
36. Wm. H. Powers, Powers-Banks Ancestry, Traced in All Lines to the Remotest Date Obtainable (Ames, Iowa: J.L. Powers, 1921), 194; digital images, (
37. Ibid., 208.
38. Ibid., 212.
39. Donald Lines Jacobus, "Families of Ancient New Haven" (Family Tree Maker CD179, Connecticut Genealogies #1, online at
40. Donald L. Jacobus, The Genealogy of the Booth Family (Pleasant Hill, Missouri: Eden C. Booth, 1952).
41. Ibid., 14.
42. Donald Lines Jacobus, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, Vol. II Part I (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1976), 1072.
43. Ibid., 187.
44. Ibid., 188.
45. Ibid., 204.
46. Ibid., 205.
47. Ibid., 206.
48. Edmund Guilbert, Annals of an Old Parish - Historical Sketches of Trinity Church (New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1898), 187; digital images, (
49. Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995), 1:278.
50. Ibid., 1:279.
51. Ibid., 3:1920.
52. Donald Lines Jacobus, "Deputy-Governor Stephen Goodyear of New Haven, Reverend John Bishop of Stamford, and the Lake and Watts Families of Boston," The American Genealogist Vol. 16, No. 4 (April 1840): 193-200, specifically 196.
53. Henry M. Burt, The First Century of the History of Springfield, Volume II (Springfield, Mass.: Henry M. Burt, 1899), 536; digital images, ( : accessed 5 June 2011).
54. Ancestral File, CD-ROM database (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1998).